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Danny Yuan

Hey there! I’m Danny. I come from China and am currently in Europe, diving into studies and on the lookout for work that resonates worldwide. Labels are simplistic, yet they serve as a neat icebreaker, don’t they? Let’s dive into a bit about me, straightforward and sincere.

Tech-Driven Product Manager

As a Product Manager, my world revolves around developing tech products that resonate with users. My sweet spot? Platforms enabling user-generated content and social networking apps. My journey has taken me through tech giants like TikTok CN and Baidu, as well as dynamic startups in China.

My forte lies in birthing new products—starting from a simple concept to validate ideas, then scaling them to captivate millions. Driven by a thirst for knowledge and personal growth, I work not merely for financial rewards but to quench my curiosity and expand my horizons.

Podcasting is My Jam

Podcasting? Absolutely love it. I launched a podcast in Chinese, handling everything from topic selection to distribution, and guess what? It’s hit over 2 million plays within one year! Now, I’m toying with the idea of a new podcast focused on self-improvement. Crafting content that others can tune into and gain insights from is what I live for.

Truly Chinese, with My Own Spin

Born and bred in the southeast of China, I embody the hard work and introversion that’s common among us. After taking the MBTI test multiple times, it turns out I’m an INFJ—a rare blend of introspective and intuitive. Yet, what sets me apart is my strong desire for freedom and individuality. I’m not one to be fenced in by conventions or expectations.

Intrigued and Cautious About People

“People are hell,” some say. I find people utterly fascinating, valuing the learning each interaction brings. However, a cautious side of me lingers, aware of the mysteries lurking in others’ minds.

What I Enjoy

  • Thinking: I’m naturally drawn to deep, imaginative thoughts.
  • Fitness: To me, a strong body is the foundation of everything.
  • Cooking: I love creating traditional Chinese dishes, bringing a piece of home into my kitchen.
  • Media: Enjoying books, films, and music offers a refreshing break from the digital buzz.
  • Meditation: A ten-day Vipassana retreat opened my eyes to the power of silence and self-reflection.

Why I Blog

This blog is a space for me to share insights and learnings, a way to connect beyond conventional socializing. It’s also a practice ground for my English writing.

Want to Talk?

I’m open to chatting with people from all over the world. If you have questions or just want to share your thoughts, email me at [email protected].